Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Final Countdown...

Today marks the 3 week count down to my due date and according my Dr., she doesn't think I will make it to Aug. 26- I really hope she is right. The following are my "stats" as of yesterday's appointment:

-Dilated 1.5cm
-80% effaced
-Stationed at a -1

For those of you who aren't preggers and have never been-let me make this simple-I've progressed quite a bit since last weeks appointment (40% effaced and no dilation), baby has dropped and she can feel his head. She wouldn't give any estimates-but she did say that she didn't think I would make it to my due date but she didn't think it would happen in the next day or two (but to have my bags packed). We'll keep you posted on my "progress".

With that news I decided to go ahead and post nursery pics-we still need a lamp and are waiting for the rocking chair cushions to come in-aside from that (and the fact that I need to move the diapers) the nursery is complete.

Here is a close up of the bedding that my Aunt made-I love it!!!!


  1. I love the nursery! You guys did a great job putting it together. I bet you will go soon, you are farther a long then I was when they induced me, so that is a great sign. I do hope you get to see Legally Blonde before you have him, should be a good show!

  2. Please let Leyton know that Aunt Corrie has workshops out of town on the 11th, 12th, 13th, 17th, 18th, and 19th. If he could please work around those dates, she would appreciate it! :)

  3. The nursery looks awesome!!! Is it possible little Leyton and Wesley could have the same birthday....or how cool would it be if he showed up on you guy's anniversary....either way I'm holding out hope I see the little guy before I go on vacation!! Speaking of Legally Blonde Amy, my sister and I will be there tomorrow at 2pm also...We'll have to find you and say hey!

  4. Dana, I'm soooo excited for you and Michael! He will be here before we know it. The nursery looks like it's coming together and I love the colors! Can't wait!!!
