Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Picture This!

Yesterday we went for our BIG 35 week appointment. The signifigance of it was that we got to see Leyton on the sonogram-a 3D/4D one at that-the last time before birth.

We found out that he is head down (check) and that he is holding his right foot in his right hand by his face (you can see it to the left of his head). Do ya think he's a little cramped?

He weighs approx. 5lbs 12oz. and his head is very low (you don't want the details of how we know this). They say that after 36 weeks he will gain about 1/2lb every week. I now start going to the Dr. every week and they will let us know how he's progressing. So far I'm not effaced/dialated-I just have a big belly :)


  1. Oh my! Seeing Leyton's pictures makes me even more anxious for his arrival. You are in my prayers as you wait upon this wonderful blessing.

  2. I love this whole 3D thing! Technology is great!.... Maybe a little cramped, but he's certainly doing an excellent job making sure mom stays looking fabulous throughout the entire pregnancy : )

  3. Oh my goodness! You're getting so close. I bet you & Michael are getting so excited. How are you feeling? I can't lie, I felt pretty great up until about the last week...and then especially the 5 days I was overdue were hard. But other than that I felt fantastic. I can't wait to meet Baby Leyton! Good luck, I know everything will go great. :)

  4. He just has such a cute little face! I love him so much already! I can't wait to meet him!

  5. He's so cute!!!! I can't wait to kiss those little cheeks!
