Sunday, March 7, 2010

6 Months Old

Half a year old!!!! I am never going to get over how quickly he is growing-never-it's going by soo fast. Last week we went for his 6 month check-up and the following are his stats:

Weight: 15 lbs 5 oz (25th percentile)

Height: 28" (last time they said 29"-but we found out they mis-measured) (80th percentile)

Head: 80th percentile

Doctor Robert said he is underweight but that he is not worried about him-he thinks he's going to be tall and skinny. Best news is that we are going off of prevacid and starting to slowly go back to similac-no more gold formula!!!

Leyton's newest thing is when we ask him where the fan is he looks right at it-regardless of where we are. Since he was an infant he has been and continues to be awed by ceiling fans. We've decided that will probably be his first word :)

Click below to see his 6 month pictures (he looks like such a big boy). He did much better for these pics. Thanks again Aunt Mina!!!!

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